FlySmiLes Donate Miles

FlySmiLes Donate Miles

FlySmiLes provides members the opportunity to donate miles to SriLankan Cares - SriLankan Airline’s CSR arm, for a meaningful cause. For every member donation FlySmiLes will also contribute by donating additional 25% of miles donation.

Thank you so much for your generous donation. You are a wonderful person!

Please log in to your FlySmiLes account to donate miles

Terms & Conditions

  1. A minimum of 1000 miles can be donated and there is no maximum limit on miles donations.
  2. Member will have to retain a balance of 2000 miles in account once the redemption activity is complete.
  3. Donated miles are non-refundable.
  4. The donated miles will be used to redeem for flights to sponsor travel of patients, patient’s family and donors accompanying them and all volunteer professionals serving on humanitarian missions.
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